Chittenden County Family Court Schedule (2025)

1. Chittenden County Court

  • About Us & Contact · Public Meetings · Courthouse History · Passports

  • The Chittenden County Courthouse houses civil court cases, small claims court cases ($5,000 or less), probate court cases, wills for safe keeping, and passport services. The two Assistant Judges are responsible for fact-finding in civil and family court cases, maintaining the county’s facilities, as well as managing the budget for the Courthouse and Chittenden County Sheriff’s department.

2. DISTRICT OF VERMONT | United States District Court

  • Welcome to the official website for the United States District Court for the District of Vermont. Courthouses are located in Burlington and Rutland.

  • Chief Judge Christina Reiss

3. Agency / Department Search - State of Vermont - Online Directory

  • Agency / Department Search. Find primary office phone, fax, and hotlines for agencies and departments. All fields are optional.

  • Find primary office phone, fax, and hotlines for agencies and departments. All fields are optional.

4. Chittenden County Family Court Calendar

  • Chittenden County Family Court Calendar - Quickly find court phone number, directions & services. Web to view a calendar, choose a county or court and ...

  • There are no jury trials. Web looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in chittenden county, vt? Web seoul southern district court. Web < burlington chittenden district court chittenden district court, 32 cherry street, suite 300, burlington, vt 05401 chittenden. Find info for any nearby.

5. About Us & Contact - Chittenden County Court

6. Vermont Superior Court - Chittenden Family Division

  • Search Vermont Superior Court Civil, Criminal, and Family Division calendars by date range and county (with court as an additional search option) or by attorney ...

  • Vermont Superior Court - Chittenden Family Division in Chittenden County, Vermont Court Online Resources. Directory of online resources applicable to the Vermont Superior Court - Chittenden Family Division in Chittenden County, Vermont

7. chittenden county court calendar -

  • Search Vermont Superior Court Civil, Criminal, and Family Division calendars by date range and county (with court as an additional search option) or by attorney ...

  • The Judiciary is aware of a potential jury scam in Vermont. Court Calendars - Utah Courts Court Dates. Superior Court Clerk: Christine Brock County Operations Manager: Jill . 32 Cherry Street, Chittenden Superior Court. If you find a broken link below, please use the Report a Broken Link form to let us know. Chittenden County Court Records Search ; Courts Nearby. The people of Vermont will have trust and confidence in the Vermont state courts because the courts are fair, impartial, accessible, responsive, consistent, free of discrimination, independent, and well-managed. 133 (c) Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the voters presenting the proposed budget for the county for the ensuing year will be held on: Budget Meeting was held January 21, 2023 via Zoom. Contact County Clerk Anne Williams at 802-951-5106 with passport questions or to schedule an appointment. Search Vermont Superior Court Civil, Criminal, and Family Division calendars by date range and county (with court as an additional search option) or by attorney name and date range (with court and county as additional search options). District Calendars - Colchester School District Zoom Recording of Annual Meeting (*use passcode v!T0EVT), Notice: Chittenden County FYE 2022 Preliminary Proposed Budget Hearing. Phone: (802) 651-1518. View a glossary of legal terms used in Vermont courts. Find information about Chittenden County, Vermont Court E-Filing including electronic form filings, fee & bail schedules...

8. Chittenden County Court Calendar

  • Find information about civil, criminal, and family cases in chittenden county, vermont, including calendars, hearings, opinions, and forms.

  • Click on chittenden to view the upcoming court calendars for chittenden county superior..

9. Chittenden County Criminal Court Calendar - Printable Lifestyle

  • Chittenden County Criminal Court Calendar 175 main street, burlington, vt. Web below is a directory of court locations in chittenden county.

  • Chittenden County Criminal Court Calendar Chittenden unit for special investigations provides criminal investigation services in response to. Find information about cases scheduled for.

10. Civil Division - Chittenden County Sheriff's

  • The Chittenden County Sheriff's Department serves Civil, Family, Small Claims and Probate Court ... The schedule of fees is as follows: (prices subject to change ...


11. Vermont Assistant Judges - Vermont Side Judges - Vermont County ...

  • Assistant Judge or Side Judge is a judicial position unique to Vermont. There are two elected assistant judges in each of Vermont's 14 counties.

12. Court Calendar: Calcium

  • Calcium Web Calendar - Brown Bear Software

  • Calcium Web Calendar - Brown Bear Software

13. Community Justice Center - Welcome to South Burlington, Vermont

  • ... Superior and Family Court, and Chittenden County Probation and Parole. Cases can be either pre-charge or post-conviction. In 2007, research of RJ Panels in VT ...

  • Welcome to South Burlington, Vermont

14. Chittenden County | Vermont Roots and Wings Alliance

  • The Family Drug Court Docket launched in March of 2021 as a pilot project. To date, the Chittenden County Treatment Court dockets have had a total of 300 ...

  • Drug Court DocketMental Health Court DocketCo-occuring disorders DocketFamily Treatment Court Docket

15. CHITTENDEN PROBATE COURT | Mysite - Vermont Estate Planning

  • The Chittenden District Probate Court administers the estates for decedent's who were domiciled in Chittenden County, Vermont at the time of death.


16. All Programs - Howard Center

  • The Program is also the Chittenden County early childhood family mental ... Rapid Intervention Community Court (RICC) is a collaboration among the Chittenden ...

  • Howard Center offers 50+ programs that provide a range of mental health, substance use, and developmental services for all ages.

17. Jay Blum, Plaintiff-appellant, v. Probate Court of Chittenden County ...

  • While appellant's petition was pending in the Massachusetts court, Cambridge Family and Children's Services transferred custody of Dan Blum to the Vermont ...

  • Jay Blum, Plaintiff-appellant, v. Probate Court of Chittenden County, Vermont, L. John Cain,judge of Chittenden Probate Court, Joseph Handy,commissioner, Department of Social Rehabilitative Services,vermont, Dale and Jeanne Goldhaber of Burlington, Vermont,robert Polworth, Clerk, Superior Court, Chittenden County,defendants-appellees, 575 F.2d 50 (2d Cir. 1978) case opinion from the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

18. Chittenden County, VT Court Records Search –

  • Courts in Chittenden County, Vermont · Chittenden County Courthouse: 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 · Chittenden County Family Court: 32 Cherry Street, ...

  • Lookup Chittenden, County VT Court Records for free through official agencies. Unlock access to Chittenden County VT Court Records with

Chittenden County Family Court Schedule (2025)


What is family court in Missouri? ›

In Missouri, family law cases are filed in the circuit court. Some areas have special courts called "family courts" that are part of the circuit court. Family court cases include dissolutions, annulments, paternity actions, name changes, modifications, child support, domestic violence, etc.

How do I request a different judge in Family Court California? ›

To request a new judge in a family law child custody case in California, you can file a Peremptory Challenge under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 170.6. This allows you to disqualify the judge from hearing your case without having to provide a specific reason.

What do judges look for in child custody cases in Missouri? ›

the physical and mental health of the child and both parents. either parent's history of abuse or domestic violence. either parent's plans to relocate the child, and. the child's custody preferences, as long as any input from the child is "unobstructed" and "free of coercion and manipulation."

How long does a custody case take in Missouri? ›

The judge's decisions become court orders. Trials typically begin six months to a year after parents open a case. They usually last a few hours or, in more complex cases, a few days. Experts don't recommend representing yourself in a trial, as the law and court processes are complicated.

How to prove a judge is biased? ›

To prove judicial bias, you need strong evidence that demonstrates the judges partiality. This evidence should be factual, documented, and relevant to the case.

Can a judge overturn another judge decision? ›

The general rule is that one trial judge may not modify or overrule an order entered by another trial judge on a matter of law. If the order is about a matter of discretion rather than a matter of law, the second judge may modify it, but only if there has been a substantial change in circumstances.

How to write a letter to a judge on behalf of a family member? ›

Tip Two: Tell a Story

Doing so can potentially influence the judge's decision — and help your loved one receive a more favorable sentence. When writing, avoid simply describing the defendant in terms like “he is loyal.” Instead, tell a story about his loyalty, or how he has been an upstanding member of the community.

Can you represent yourself in family court in Missouri? ›

If you plan to represent yourself in court in a family law matter (divorce, modification of child custody or child support, or paternity), you are required to complete the following two step Litigant Awareness Program, and file your certificate with the court.

What are the three types of court systems in Missouri? ›

The Missouri Judiciary consists of three levels of courts: The trial courts (also known as the circuit courts), an intermediate appellate court (the Missouri Court of Appeals) that is divided into three regional districts, and the Supreme Court of Missouri.

What are the custody laws in Missouri? ›

In Missouri, the law considers “joint custody” to be in the best interest of the child. If parents are unable to agree on a parenting plan, the court selects one parent as the “residential parent” for school and mail purposes.

What are the custody laws for unmarried parents in Missouri? ›

In Missouri, if a child is born to unmarried parents, then the mother is automatically given sole custody with full parental rights. That is unless the mother signs an affidavit acknowledging that her partner is the father. If the mother refuses, then the father must establish paternity via DNA test or court petition.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.